Congratulations and welcome to STYC!

You are about to embark on a journey, an adventure to explore and communicate what is possible to advance life. It is a lofty sentiment.

I can understand the pace of your school schedule, maybe work, friends, social time, family life, all can be too much. Now add to that STYC. What?!

Okay. Getting right to it.

You are being asked to work on a video project for iSol, duration 8 minutes or so. The video would illustrate what is possible today when a public school is connected at optic speed.

iSol is an initiative of STYC, it emerged in 2014. And has submitted proposals for public policy action. It has a track record, referred to in the Texas legislative process, featured in public news sources, has its own web page on the STYC and the iCharla Podcast Show sites. iSol has evolved, it is part of the public conversation to bring high speed broadband to the classroom—connected with fiber optic lines.

How much time? I mentioned to your school that we would have one weekly online meeting for about one hour. So we are looking at 8-9 weeks between October and December to have ready to present a preview showing of the iSol video. The preview would be shown at an STYC gathering and reception, in December.

My estimation is that the video will require more hours to ready for a preview showing at a reception. There is a script to developed, scenes to setup, lighting, background sound, audio, props, support graphics, text lines, your voice and presence on camera, practice, plus the actual recording. Then comes editing and music. Whoa!

It can be done—once we break it down and get organized. You provide the effort we provide guidance, support, resources, and work with you on the iSol video.

I will ask if there is a way for you to receive extra credit hours for community service. I believe that your school will recognize your effort and work.

As a member you have access to the iCharla Podcast Show platform. This is where you meet online, you can host your own meet or podcast. We use Webex for online meets and for iCharla.

I suggest we use the term Regular Meeting to mean the weekly ones.

Please review the script layout and the timeline following this letter.

And check out iSol and iCharla.

First Regular Meeting: (for discussion and decisions)

    • Review scenes in the script layout.

    • Form and name two groups, each takes responsibility for portions of the layout.

    • Timeline.

    • Select a regular meeting moderator. Moderator has access to Webex to host

       the regular meetings, and distributes points for discussion and review.

    • Schedule on calendar Regular Meetings. (We have a google acct.)

    • Consider possible podcast to do.

A member moves to adjourn.

    • Done.

We’ll have a page for iSol 24 on the STYC site and perhaps on the iCharla site.

I leave you with this. Think about how your participation in the production of the iSol video will look on your application for college, internship, job, among friends, your family and know you made a difference.

Welcome to STYC! Thank you,

Armando Villarreal

STYC Executive Director

Script Layout


South Texas Youth Congress is the premiere initiative of the Dream Forward Foundation.

IRS 501(c)3 organization operating in Texas.

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